So Money Interview with Farnoosh Torabi

I had the great fun of talking about college admission with Farnoosh.

Listen here!


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College Admission Isn’t Fair…Whatever That Means

College Admission Isn’t Fair, Whatever that Means

So some college counselors try to strike a balance, urging students not to attach great meaning to admissions outcomes and yet not to think of them as meaningless. “You want to tell them admissions is not random,” says Mark C. Moody, co-director of college counseling at the Colorado Academy, in Denver.

Early on, he tries to manage their expectations by reminding them that nothing’s written in stone about who deserves a spot. “There’s no universal concept of merit,” he says.

Writing Your High School Story: College Admission Advice for 9th and 10th Graders

Writing Your High School Story: College Admission Advice for 9th and 10th Graders

Do you feel confident, not so great, or indifferent to your academic record and extracurricular life so far? Now that you have the lay of the high school landscape, you have the tools to directly shape your response to that question for next year and the years after.

The most important thing you can understand about doing high school “right” is that you’re writing a story as you go—and that the more you’re invested in actively taking part in that story as it unfolds, the more likely that story will close with one of those “happily ever after” type of endings…

 If you practice these things, I think you’ll feel happy with the way the chapter of your story on high school ends, and how the college chapter begins.

Van Gogh’s Shoes, Martin Heidegger and My Little Pony: Embracing the Essay

Van Gogh’s Shoes, Martin Heidegger and My Little Pony: Embracing the Essay

Many thousands of young people take on the writing challenge of the college essay each year, making 500 to 650-word personal narrative one of the most popular forms of writing in America. Yet most of the authors of the form have never done it before, and most won’t do it again.

A few strategies I have found helpful…

Life advice from Hunter S. Thompson

And there’s the crux. Is it worth giving up what I have to look for something better? I don’t know—is it? Who can make that decision but you? But even by DECIDING TO LOOK, you go a long way toward making the choice.

We Admit… Guidance From Those Who Do

We Admit… Guidance From Those Who Do

Advice for students and families entering the college admission process. Written 2006, updated 2011. RIP Education Conservancy.

Applying to college does not have to be overwhelming! The following principles and guidelines can
help make the college admission process more manageable, more productive, and more
educationally appropriate. This guidance is offered by the Education Conservancy, a group of
admission professionals committed to calming the commercial frenzy by affirming educational
values in college admission.